
Rahul Patel

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About Me

Hello! I'm Rahul, a Computer Science student at Rutgers University - New Brunswick. I love working with cutting edge technology and learning new things. My interests involve building full-stack applications, working with data, and experimenting with Computer Vision. I'm currently an undergraduate researcher at my university's Intelligent Transportation Systems Lab and a Teaching Assistant for Data Structures.


Capital One

Software Engineering Intern

- Evaluated ETL workflow management tools (Airflow, Prefect & Argo) and built a data transformation pipeline for the Machine Learning Platform
- Developed a POC Alerting & Monitoring application to detect failures in a workflow and notify downstream tasks for efficient communication using AWS Kinesis for signal data stream

Intelligent Transportation Systems Lab

Undergraduate Researcher

- Processing and filtering large amounts of 3-D geospatial data reported by LiDAR sensors for intelligent traffic light control and transmitting LiDAR data to lab servers.
- Constructing a digital twin for visualization of traffic events through Unity camera adjustments

Wakefern Food Corporation

Software Engineering Intern

- Converted transmission of serialized Java objects to JSON in order to allow for backwards compatibility when making changes to serialized classes
- Automated verification of admin rights for remote access to Point of Sales (POS) system


Data Science Intern

- Structured unstructured data and forecasted predictions via Facebook Prophet to analyze the relationship between weather events and company sales to help supply chain industry reduce unnecessary inventory by 10%
- Implemented Hough transformations, image segmentation and flood fill algorithms to isolate text blocks and automate data entry of pharmaceutical drug forms


Rutgers University - New Brunswick

September 2018 - Present

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

3.975/4.0 GPA



Python, Flask, OpenCV, Tensorflow

- 2nd Place Winner at PennApps XX out of 250 teams
- Virtual whiteboard system that uses hand & finger tracking (via OpenCV) so users can “write” notes in thin air
- Gesture recognition through Tensorflow models for quick & convenient functionality such as swiping left to erase board, swiping up to share notes, and rotating hand to change font size/color

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On My Terms (Terms & Condition Parser)

Python, Django, React, Google Cloud

- A web application that parses contract agreements to search for red flags such as hidden fees or privacy concerns
- Trained NLP model using Google Cloud Platform NLP Sentiment Analysis and created API via Django for web app

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